Planned Giving
Planned gifts provide important philanthropic support for St. Patrick’s while also helping generous donors to reduce or avoid income, capital gains, or estate taxes. Including a bequest to the Day School in your will or designating St. Patrick’s as a beneficiary of retirement plans are two of the most convenient ways to make deferred gifts that will have a meaningful impact on teaching and learning for future generations of Wolfhounds.
Planned gifts, unless specified, will be used to support the general endowment for the future sustainability of the Day School. Gifts may also provide vital support to financial aid or faculty professional development, as designated and communicated with St. Patrick’s. Naming opportunities for Awards, Funds, and Chairs are also available to recognize significant commitments.
Bequests are gifts made by will. Gifts may be a specific amount, a percentage of an estate, real estate or personal property, or a residuary estate.
Retirement Plans
IRA, 401(k), profit-sharing or pension plans, or paid-up life insurance policies may be gifted to the Day School by designating St. Patrick’s Episcopal Day School as a sole or partial beneficiary.
To learn more about how you can include St. Patrick’s in your estate planning, please contact Assistant Head of School for Institutional Advancement, Adelaide Barrett ex. '85 at 202-342-7005 or Of course, you should discuss your specific intentions and circumstances with your personal financial and/or legal advisor.