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Student Leadership

From Age 3 to Grade 8, students engage in activities that help them say what they believe, or are wondering about, and act with confidence. At St. Patrick’s, we ask students, beginning with our youngest, to bring their voices into their work and being each and every day. We encourage them to think beyond the school walls, and we strive to have them recognize that they have a voice, a place at the table, a place in this community, and a role to play in the larger world. 

Early Childhood: PK3 & PK4

Transcribing Student Stories

Throughout PK3 & PK4, teachers transcribe student stories, verbal descriptions of created art, or events that have happened in and outside of the classroom. 


Engaging Dramatic Play

Students engage in social play, requiring them to showcase their expressive and receptive language skills to sustain the narrative. A handful of dramatic play themes include kitchen story, post office, veterinarian office, spaceships, and baby-centered play. 


Enjoying Morning Meetings

Beginning in PK3, students share in the classroom, giving the whole group abundant opportunities to express their ideas and thoughts about topics related to the current unit of study, stories that might have been interesting to them, or aspects of their life beyond the classroom. 


Lower School: Kindergarten-Grade 5

Advocating for Monarch Butterflies

After learning about the Monarch butterfly in an interdisciplinary unit, students write letters and create promotional material encouraging their peers and teachers to help save this endangered butterfly.


Authoring How-To and All-About Books

Kindergartners write about topics in which they deem themselves experts and continue to write about them throughout the year. 


Taking the Lead in Chapel

 Preparing with their teachers and the Day School Chaplain, students speak in Chapel once a year, beginning in Grade 5 and continuing into the Middle School years.


Leading Town Hall Meetings

Taking turns as homeroom groups, Grade 3 students lead the rest of their Lower School peers in a series of Town Hall Meetings, across the year, that are focused on a variety of topics important to social-emotional and character development.


Middle School: Grades 6-8

Playing in a Chapel Band

Several of our musicians have formed two bands that play at our weekly Chapels. On bass, guitar, violin, keyboard, and drums, many of our students spend their free time in the music room, experimenting with new instruments or honing their skills.


Becoming Historians

To close the Grade 8 year, students pick an historic event they want to understand at an expert level. These Capstone Projects represent the culmination of years of work toward academic excellence and greater understanding of history and how it shapes the world today.


Seeking Environmental Sustainability

The Middle School Environmental Sustainability Club brings student leaders and adults together to create and implement initiatives. Primary initiatives this year include reducing food waste and finding healthier food choices.


Writing Poetry and Prose and Sharing Visual Art

All students in Grades 6 to 8 have the opportunity to contribute to The Clover, our Middle School student literary magazine. 


Challenging Themselves with Shakespeare

Grade 6 students memorize lines and wrestle with complex and unfamiliar language and questions of ethics, as they master their parts in  three William Shakespeare plays.
