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Updates from the ITC: A New Classroom for a New Year!


Updates from the ITC: A New Classroom for a New Year!

The Infant-Toddler Center (ITC) is so excited about our new, beautiful space! This room is the home of our wonderful Grasshopper Class of two-year-olds. The classroom is filled with art, imagination, and a loving atmosphere. The children focus on personal and social development through short, age-appropriate morning meetings, group activities, routines, and daily interactions with friends. 

They strengthen their gross motor skills by climbing on the Tot Playground equipment and taking fun group walks to explore our neighborhood. Their fine motor skills are improving using different art tools and little grabber tweezers to sort tiny toys by color. This new classroom has created a magical learning environment, inspiring exploration and wonder! 

If you are interested in learning more about our Infant-Toddler Center, please visit our website.

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