Grade 2 students have been learning about food insecurity. Using books like Last Stop on Market Street by Matt de la Peña to spark discussion, children discovered that many families experience food insecurity who might not otherwise be struggling with traditional symptoms of economic disadvantage.
Each year, Grade 2 works to raise awareness and make a difference by asking the Day School community to participate in the SOUP-er Bowl. On February 8-10, students were invited to bring in non-perishable food and self-care items to donate to the Samaritan Ministries Food Pantry and place their donations in crates labeled with symbols for each NFL Super Bowl team. Watching excitedly as contributions piled up for the Philadelphia Eagles and the Kansas City Chiefs, Grade 2 students announced the Eagles scored the most donations! In total, the community donated 761 items, with the Eagles crate containing over 400 non-perishables.