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St. Patrick's Episcopal Day School Admission

Why Our School?

Our belief that every child has infinite value is the idea that gives shape to the structure of every program, the design of every classroom, and the nature of every interaction at St. Patrick’s.

We build on children’s natural curiosity and on their insatiable desire to learn. We help them cultivate their strengths, figure out what matters to them, and act in ways that have real meaning. 

Experiential Learning

Learning by doing is at the heart of education throughout a child’s years at St. Patrick’s. Experiential learning uses critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making at an age-appropriate level. Engaging, hands-on activities help ensure that ideas and concepts last well beyond the learning moment.

In the lower grades, it’s called play. Young children have a desire to play, and it’s through structured play that they develop important cognitive, social-emotional, and physical skills.

In the middle school grades, learning is inquiry-based, built around compelling questions that students explore, think deeply about, and strive to answer.

Setting a moral compass

We meet children where they are academically, physically, and socially, acknowledging their strengths and their stretches and helping them to become their best selves. At St. Patrick’s we develop confident and engaged learners who care about the world and are empowered to make it a better place. 

Weekly chapel helps set a moral compass, classrooms are places of discovery, and teachers care deeply about their students as learners and as people. All contribute to a dynamic St. Patrick’s learning experience.


provided by learning specialists at every grade level, as well as the School Counselor and the Day School Chaplain, and enhanced by small instructional group sizes


vibrant, challenging, coeducational school environment in which a diverse community of students can grow as healthy intellectual, social and emotional, and moral and spiritual beings 


490 students in three divisions (Nursery School, Lower School, and Middle School), an active Parents Association that works to welcome families and build community, and 115 dedicated members of the faculty and staff at our Washington DC campuses.

Why St. Patrick's?